
HTB - Insomnia - web - easy

This challenge is a huge bootstrap app written in PHP.

Insomnia/app/Controllers/ProfileController.php contains the following:

$token = (string) $_COOKIE["token"] ?? null;
$flag = file_get_contents(APPPATH . "/../flag.txt");
if (isset($token)) {
    $key = (string) getenv("JWT_SECRET");
    $jwt_decode = JWT::decode($token, new Key($key, "HS256"));
    $username = $jwt_decode->username;
    if ($username == "administrator") {
        return view("ProfilePage", [
            "username" => $username,
            "content" => $flag,
    } else {
        $content = "Haven't seen you for a while";
        return view("ProfilePage", [
            "username" => $username,
            "content" => $content,

So we need to get the token of the administrator to get the flag. Their password is set randomly in the script.

The login and registration looks as follows:

public function login()
    $db = db_connect();
    $json_data = request()->getJSON(true);
    if (!count($json_data) == 2) {
        return $this->respond("Please provide username and password", 404);
    $query = $db->table("users")->getWhere($json_data, 1, 0);
    $result = $query->getRowArray();
    if (!$result) {
        return $this->respond("User not found", 404);
    } else {
        $key = (string) getenv("JWT_SECRET");
        $iat = time();
        $exp = $iat + 36000;
        $headers = [
            "alg" => "HS256",
            "typ" => "JWT",
        $payload = [
            "iat" => $iat,
            "exp" => $exp,
            "username" => $result["username"],
        $token = JWT::encode($payload, $key, "HS256");

        $response = [
            "message" => "Login Succesful",
            "token" => $token,
        return $this->respond($response, 200);

There is also Insomnia/writable directory which contains lots of logs from the development of the challenge (which doesn’t seem too professional). From it I can assume the author was trying some SQL injections, messing up with the token type (as array e.g.) and created some accounts, but nothing useful.

JWT signing and env handling seems to be done correctly, however the login function is implemented in an unsafe way:

$json_data = request()->getJSON(true);
if (!count($json_data) == 2) {
    return $this->respond("Please provide username and password", 404);
$query = $db->table("users")->getWhere($json_data, 1, 0);
$result = $query->getRowArray();
if (!$result) {
    return $this->respond("User not found", 404);
} else {

The json_data object is passed directly to the getWhere which resolves in a query like WHERE <key> = <value> AND .... The previous check is done to ensure the object has exactly 2 keys, but it doesn’t check if the keys are username and password. This allows us to pass an object like {"username": "administrator", "username": "administrator"} and get a token for the administrator.

The fastest way is to just turn on the intercept in burp, click login and replace the key password to username and the values to administrators. This will redirect us directly to the profile page with the flag.