
GPN CTF 2024 - inspect-element - web

Dockerfile is running chrome with the debugging port open. In order to connect to the debugging port, I had to use the command from hint:

socat TCP-LISTEN:1336,fork

Then I could go to chrome://inspect/#devices and connect to the remote debugging port using localhost:1336 as the address. In order to properly connect to this, I following chrome documentation regarding accessing local servers and chrome instances with port forwarding. If succesful, you should see something like this:

chrome remote target screenshot

Then you can click inspect fallback button and it should open developer tools for the remote chrome instance. Go to chrome://settings/downloads and disable option Ask where to save each file before downloading. The next step is to save the url for overrides, and then make the contents of index.html be the following in your local machine:

		<button id="download">click</button>
		<script defer>
			const downloadText = () => {
				const text = `<a href="file:///flag">pwn</a>`;
				const blob = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain" });
				const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
				const a = document.createElement("a");
				a.href = url; = "hello.html";;

			download.addEventListener("click", downloadText);

After doing so, reload the page, click the button and go to chrome://downloads to see the downloaded file. Open it and the debugger should say that the tab is not active like so:

debugger inactive tab screenshot

However, the tab with inspect devices will show that a new tab has opened:

new tab

After clicking inspect fallback we are able to click pwn button:

pwn button

and that will redirect us to the flag file:


P.S.: Going to url file:///flag replaced for some reason the file:/// to http://file///flag so that’s why we used this workaround.